Tao Dan Park

Tao Dan Park
Photo by Myan Nguyen

Address: Truong Dinh, Ben Thanh ward, District 1

This land belongs to the grounds of the Governor General's Palace of France. In 1869, the French built Miss Clavell Road (Huyen Tran Cong Chua Street) separating the garden from the Palace. The garden is also known as "Ong Thuong Garden". Tao Dan Garden is considered the main park of the city.

After 1975, Tao Dan Garden changed its name to "Tao Dan Cultural Park". Tao Dan Park (or Tao Dan Cultural Park) is a park in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The park is limited by 4 routes: Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Huyen Tran Cong Chua, Nguyen Du and Cach Mang Thang Tam, in Ben Thanh Ward.

Ideal place for picnics, gatherings, and spring flower festivals

Located right in the heart of bustling Saigon, Tao Dan has created a separate, cool and fresh space. Every morning and evening, Tao Dan Park is a place of sports and recreation for people living nearby, of all ages. The landscape inside the park is beautifully designed, Tao Dan becomes an ideal place for people to gather and have a picnic.

In addition, every year, Tao Dan Park is also the place to organize the Spring Flower Festival, gathering bonsai artists and gardeners to display their works. The city also cooperates with many agencies to organize fairs, recreating the very special old Tet market.

Visiting the Hung King memorial temple at Tao Dan Park, Saigon

The temple is located right in the center of Saigon, in District 1, and is one of the famous places of worship for domestic and foreign tourists.

The work has the full name of Hung Kings Memorial Temple, built in the Tao Dan Park in 1992 and restored at the end of 2011. The Temple was built according to the architectural style with traditional combined with some modern elements, and it is located in a space filled with green shade.

Temple of the Hung Kings in the Park

Source: Wikipedia.

The Temple has an architecture with a tile roof, on both sides of the steps there are two dragons; on both sides of the temple door, there are two Statues (the guardian gods of the temple). Inside, there is a statue of Hung Vuong.

Visiting the Hung Kings memorial temple, visitors will feel the dignified architectural beauty in the traditional spirit. If you have the opportunity to come to Tao Dan, visitors should participate in the incense offering to commemorate the merits of the Hung Kings.

Exploring the ancient tombs

Lying under the green trees inside Tao Dan Park is a cluster of ancient tombs. Legend has it that the tombs were built in 1895 and is the resting place of Mr. Lam Tam Lang and Ms. Mai Thi Xa. The attraction of these ancient tombs is the screen architecture, the head of the tomb and the foot of the tomb are built discreetly.

The two tombs include architectures such as: The screen in front of the tomb gate, the screen behind the tomb gate, the wall system surrounding the tomb. The secrecy of the overall mausoleum creates a special attraction when visitors set foot across this ancient work.

The ancient tombs

Source: Thanh Niên Newspaper

On April 10, 2014, People's Committee of the City decided to recognize Lam's ancient tomb as a city-level historical relic because it is a "general architectural work relatively remained intact. This is one of the remaining large area and beautiful architectural compound tombs in HCMC. The existence of ancient tombs bearing the surname Lam contributes significantly to archeology and scientific research on the type of ancient tombs of Vietnam”.

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